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Our Research-selected

We have been working on stem cell biology and neurobiology for the past decade. Through continuous endeavors to guide human stem cell differentiation, we discovered novel ways, i.e., 3D neural organoids, to reveal the unique development, function, and etiology of the human nervous system in a dish. 

Cell Stem Cell 2024

We developed hPSCs-derived NMS organoids (hNMSOs) with co-development, self-organization, and functional connection of neural, muscular, and skeletal tissues. hNMSOs revealed skeletal impacts on muscular development and neuromuscular function. These findings provide a model for studying human NMS crosstalk and disease.


Cell Stem Cell 2024

We report a method for generating human region-specific brain organoids that recapitulate the medullary spinal trigeminal nucleus (SpV) and the trigeminothalamic connection. These findings provide an accessible model for studying the human SpV, its associated circuits, and brain diseases.

Cell Stem Cell 2023

We report a method to generate ventralized thalamic organoids, which recapitulate molecular and functional features, and cellular diversity of ventral thalamic nuclei and offer a model to dissect related brain disorders.


Molecular Cell 2020


We report that dysregulation of BRD4 function is a critical driver for the abnormal transcriptome in human RTT cells and that targeting BRD4 rescues molecular and functional deficiencies of human RTT cells and ameliorates RTT progression in mice.

Nature Methods 2019

We report a method to generate human cortical organoids with vasculature-like structures that resemble the vasculature in early prenatal brain, which presents a robust model to study brain disease in vitro.

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Cell Stem Cell 2019

We report a method for generating human thalamus-like brain organoids (hThOs) that recapitulate the development of human thalamus. By fusing hThOs and cortical-like brain organoids (hCOs), we establish a 3D system in a dish to create the reciprocal projections between thalamus and cortex.

Cell Stem Cell 2017

We report a method for generating human medial ganglionic eminence (MGE)-like organoids (hMGEOs) and cortical-like organoids (hCOs), which resemble the developing human MGE and cortex, respectively. By fusing hMGEOs and hCOs, we establish a 3D model to investigate human interneuron migration.

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